If you are interested in private, extensive research within Jefferson County, Ohio, you may contact the Jefferson County Chapter, OGS at the following:

PO BOX 177
Stratton, OH 43961

Phone: 740-346-2820

Please put Attn: Tammy Hosenfeld - Research Queries.

Note: EXTENSIVE RESEARCH would include many various sources and records within Jefferson County and may include neighboring counties/states as well for more in-depth research.


You can request a query by using PayPal and submitting your query electronically.

You can write to the Chapter and enclose a check or money order to make a query request.

MEMBERS FEE - $25.00 per ancestor
NON MEMBERS FEE - $30.00 per ancestor

HOW TO - Researchers will not conduct searches over a wide range of time that include many family members and/or generations. The researcher may contact you in regards to conducting a more extensive research, at which time you may be asked to submit an additional fee. The query person has the choice if they would like the researcher to conduct a more extensive search.

Submit my query electronically