School Records Available in Jefferson County as of January 2008

Steubenville and Toronto

NOTE - None of the offices were clear on just how far back their records go, so when you make a request be polite in your request and you may end up with some early records for your ancestors. Good Luck! The secretaries in each office that I spoke to were very kind and stated there was no fee for this service. This however could change at any time, so it's best to call or write for current fees, etc.

You should include in your request the following, when known: Full name of the student (ancestor), maiden name for female students, birth date of student, what school did she/he attend, if known and the year(s) these student attended. The more information you can provide, the more success they may have in locating the school records. Some searches can be done with just the full name of the student and a birth date. So, give your search a try!

  • Board of Education for Jefferson County includes the following school districts that now encompass, Buckeye Local, Edison, and Indian Creek – records are available upon request, and include one-room schoolhouses as far back as 1912, maybe earlier. Keep in mind "name changes" from current districts to previously named. For example, Edison was Jefferson Union, Indian Creek was Wintersville High School, etc. Call and ask for Joy, (superintendent’s secretary) at 740-283-3347 for request of school records.
  • Steubenville City School Board, Superintendent Office, for requesting school records in Steubenville City limits. The superintendent’s office couldn’t give me an exact date on how early the records go back. Call and ask for Jayme, (superintendent’s secretary) at 740-283-3767, ext. 5, or write: Steubenville Board of Education, Superintendent’s Office, Attn. Jayme, West Adams & Lawson St., Steubenville, OH 43952.
  • Toronto School Board Office, for requesting records in Toronto city limits. Call and ask for Rebecca, (superintendent’s secretary) at 740-537-2456, ext. 200, or write: Toronto School Board, Superintendent’s Office, Attn. Rebecca, North 3rd St. & Myers St., Toronto, OH 43968.

Parochial Schools in Jefferson County

There have been many through the years – you will have to contact them individually. I have no contact information for them at this time. You may want to search the Jefferson County yellow pages online for current parochial schools in this area and they may know where a repository is for old parochial school records. A search of Caldwell and Doyle's early histories on Jefferson County schools could also shred some light on the names and locations of these schools.