World War II

Each Surname below is associated with WWII, find out how by clicking the names.
Conn, Chester E (WWII) - Submitted by Opal Conn Kleineke
Clark - An old family genealogy, researched by Lilian G. Polk (18 Jun 1901 - 18 Feb 1984)
Platt - Janet Vanstrom Grade school in Bergholz. Janet's father, John Platt attended this school. He was born in 1920 so would have attended from 1926-1932.
Platt, John - Prepared by Janet Wahlberg
Ritchie/Nign - {Vicki Nign submitted the following article.}
Runyon - {The following family history is exactly as it appears and is written in the large compilation sent to the editor by Mr. Charles V. Runyon. It includes the Runyon migration from New Jersey to Jefferson County.}
Runyon, Charles - Photo taken May 23, 2008 Prior to attending Toronto Chamber Annual Banquet - honoring WWII veterans
Welday - {Written by Flora L. VerStraten}