Physical Address: 501 Fifth Street Stratton, Ohio 43961
Mailing Address: PO BOX 177, Stratton, OH 43961
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be The Jefferson County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.
Article II - Purpose
Article III - Officers
The elected officers of this Chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and at least two Trustees. The officers shall be elected for a term of one year in November and take office in January of the following fiscal year. All executive officers and trustees must attend a minimum of 75% of the meetings per year while in office. Trustees shall be elected for a term of three years, with one trustee being elected alternating terms every two years in November and take office in January of the following fiscal year. The Nominating Committee consists both of two trustees and can include any other chapter members in good standing. Other volunteers from the general membership can be appointed from the floor with a minimum of two members in good standing and shall form the committee, with the senior trustee becoming the Chairperson of the nominating committee.
Requirements & Qualification for Officers:
Duties of Officers:
1. The President shall preside over all meetings; appoint chairperson of all committees (including special committees) as necessary, EXCEPT the Nomination and Election Committee; supervise the activities of the Chapter, including all incoming mail and correspondence; assist in carrying out the policies determined by the Board of Trustees; call meetings of the Executive Committee as deemed necessary; promote the purposes of the Chapter, and perform duties prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter. The President shall give final review and signature on all First Families, Pioneer Families, and Civil War applications. The President qualifies, with the approval of the Executive Committee Members, chapter members not in good standing. Members not in good standing will be recorded in the minutes during a private Executive Committee Board Meeting. All disciplinary action of any chapter member (s) or membership (s) suspension or evoking MUST be approved by the President and must be supported by a majority of the vote by the Executive Committee in a CLOSED session, which must consist of all Executive Committee members in attendance. For tie breaking purposes only, the former president can be asked to break a voting tie, if it is deemed necessary. The recording secretary shall record in the executive committee minutes the following: 1)Why such action was needed and taken 2)What course of action was decided 3) Details of action and recourse recorded.
2. The Vice-President shall work under the direction of the President and oversee committee responsibilities as determined by the Standing Rules; preside in the absence of or at the request of the President; succeed to the office of President for the unexpired term in the event of the death, incapacity or resignation of the President; plan and organize the chapter quarterly meetings, field trips and special workshops meetings of the Chapter. Shall prepare bios for speakers at each meeting, oversees refreshment committee, oversees the media committee and any other responsibilities pertaining to the chapter quarterly membership meetings, field trips, and special events and workshops. The Vice President is the chapter Program Chair. The chair starts and ends meetings on time and makes sure all special needs are addressed for guest speakers and programs. All planned meetings, field trips, and workshops shall be planned by the Vice President, but must be approved by the Executive committee. The First quarter meetings for the following calendar year of events must be planned and submitted to the Executive Board members by December 1st of the current year for the upcoming calendar year. These dates shall be submitted to the minutes and recorded in the business meeting. The dates must be cleared with the Schiappa Library (or location where meetings will take place), Executive Committee, Media Chair, and Newsletter Editor in a timely manner as to provide time to advertise upcoming events and meetings. Displays, handouts, flyers, posters, and promotions are all the primary responsibility of the Vice President.
3. The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee business meetings, and all business meetings of the Chapter.The secretary will maintain attendance records for each meeting, reporting on attendance and report this information during the minute read at each business meeting, including highlights by guest speakers.
4. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all income and expenditures of the Chapter and shall keep accurate and current membership records; and submit a report in writing at the quarterly business meetings of the Chapter and at any other meetings as required by the Executive Board members. The treasurer will be prepared for an annual audit given by the Board of Trustees, which will be reported annually during the chapter business meeting at the end of the term. The treasurer will spearhead fund raising events and share ideas to create increased revenue during Executive Board meetings.
5. In the event of a vacancy in any executive or trustee office, it shall be filled by appointment by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee. Such appointments shall be held until the next election, as provided in Section 1 under “Qualification for Officers” of this Article.
Article IV - Board of Trustees
1. The Board of Trustees of this Chapter shall consist of such number of Trustees, not less than two, and no more than three, with the senior Trustee serving as Chairperson of the Board and nomination committee. Annual elections are one of the primary responsibilities of the trustees. Chapter member's must be present to be nominated for an office, UNLESS prior approval/agreement has been made by the Executive Board members and if that person is not in attendance due to extenuating circumstances.
2. The Trustees shall assist the other Officers in the work of the Chapter and shall be responsible for investment of moneys not required for current operation of the Chapter and be generally responsible for the care and protection of any tangible or real property of the Chapter.
3. Trustees shall maintain a complete record of all proceedings and report its actions during the annual business meeting, including a complete financial audit report based on the fiscal year and including a yearly updated inventory list of all donations, books, CD’s, and Pay Pal balances, and including all materials owned by the chapter.
4. All trustees must remain active members of the Chapter and attend at least 75% of all quarterly chapter meetings.
5. The Trustees will make up all or part of the Nominating Committee and the senior trustee will be the nominating chair. Any member of the Board of Trustee's or Executive Board can nominate or be nominated by someone other then themselves for an office. If more than one person is nominated, a written ballot must be taken announcing the nominee that has the most votes. Otherwise, all other votes are with a show of hands. Six members constitute a quorum for elections of new officers or board members.
6. The Trustees are responsible to promote all chapter publications and advertise any new publications.
Article V - Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be the President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, and shall be responsible for all business affairs between meetings. Any member who is a state board officer or trustee shall be an ex officio member. The immediate Past President shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee in an advisory position only. If there should arise a situation where a vote is needed to break a tie, the Past President shall, at this time, vote to break the tie. The Executive committee shall hold regular meetings prior to the general quarterly meeting. All four members of the committee constitute a quorum for voting.
Article VI - Membership
The following classes of members shall include the right to vote and to hold office in the Chapter:
1. Individual membership annual fee shall be $20.00. This fee is subject to change by a vote of the executive committee members only.If you request a mailed printed copy of the newsletter, you will be required to remit an additional $5.00 to pay for printing and postage of 4 annual newsletters mailed to you.
2. Joint membership annual fee shall be $25.00.This fee is subject to change by vote of the executive committee members only.
3. First Families membership fee shall be $15.00. A one time application fee covers as many ancestors as the applicant proves. A five generation chart, showing the name(s) of every ancestor along with a completed application form is required. This fee is subject to change by a vote of the executive committee members only. A first family applicant must prove their ancestor(s) a resident in Jefferson county, Ohio no later than December 31, 1820. The deadline for this society are on February first of each year. Certificates and pins will be given or mailed to each member of this society.
4. Pioneer Families membership fee shall be $15.00. This fee is subject to change by a vote of the executive committee members only. A pioneer family applicant must prove residence of their ancestor(s) in Jefferson County, Ohio by December 31, 1850. Refer to same application standards as above mentioned for First Families.
Article VII - Meetings of General Membership
1. Annual Business Meeting: There shall be a meeting of the Executive Board and Trustees designated as the Annual Business Meeting of the Chapter, to be held annually. During this meeting the Board of Trustees shall report for the annual audit and also report the annual publications sales and inventory. All inventory will be taken of publications or any other chapter materials.
2. Special Meetings: The President with the approval of the Executive Committee may call special meetings of the general membership and including emergency executive board meetings.
3. Quarterly Chapter Meetings: Meetings of the Chapter shall be held each quarter, unless otherwise posted. Notice of all meetings of the general membership shall be given to all members by notice in the Jefferson County Lines Newsletter, the local newspapers, local radio and other various media outlets at least two weeks prior to the meeting and shall include the purpose of the meeting. Cancellation of meetings will be decided by noon of the meeting date if due to inclement weather. .
4. Quorum: Six members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business during a chapter business meeting.
5. A Majority Vote of those present and voting shall be necessary for action by the body unless a greater vote is required by these bylaws. A vote can not be “resented” as constituted by Robert’s Rules. Voting will be decided by a show of hands unless decided by the Executive Committee to have a confidential written ballot vote. This decision shall be made by the Executive Committee members.
Article VIII - Committees
The President shall appoint the members of the various committees with the approval of the Executive Committee and announce all committee appointments at the first annual business meeting as well as posting them in the Jefferson County Lines Newsletter, as soon thereafter as possible.
1. Historian: Responsible for keeping current record and scrapbook of all Chapter events; clipping obituaries for surname file research; works with other committees involved in preserving Chapter history.
2. First, Pioneer and Civil War Societies: Works with the President (who gives final approval), reviews and researches application information for approval to First Families, Pioneer Families, and Civil War Societies of Jefferson County; spearheads banquets for recognition of new members. (Refer to standing rules.)
3. Web page Maintenance: Maintains current information for the Chapter on the web site; promotes all Chapter events and activities including community activities and events, lists current publications for sale, and information pertaining to the chapter and to Jefferson County. Shall add as materials become available and include; new documents, indexes, sources, donated materials compiled by chapter members or the public, as decided by the Executive Board members. Seek permission FIRST from the Executive Board Committee BEFORE updating, changing, deleting, or adding any new sources, data, indexes, histories, etc. to be posted on the chapter website. Shall respect and observe copyright laws and materials and observe all other copyrights with the utmost respect.
4. Newsletter Editor: Responsible for editing, maintaining publishing deadlines, keeps a current membership list, mails out membership reminders, mails newsletters within deadlines quarterly to publishing company, and handles all matters pertaining to the newsletter, Jefferson County Lines, which will consist of no less than 16 pages, no more than 32 pages.
5. Nominating committee: Shall consist of Board Trustees and any general chapter member(s) can be included to form the nominating committee. The nominating committee shall present a slate of officers that have been nominated prior to the chapter business meeting to be elected by a show of hands of those present at the business meeting. Members can not vote if not present at the meeting. If there is more than one nominee per office, a confidential written ballot should be taken and counted by the nominating board members. The nominating board announces the officer (s) that hold the majority vote to take office the following January 1st. The elections shall be held during the last quarter meeting of each year. NOTE - The Nominating Committee shall not be appointed. The senior trustee will become chair of the committee each election year.
6. Cemetery restoration: Spear heads cemetery restoration and monthly and annual projects.
7. Fund raisers: Organizes projects to raise money for chapter, assigned by the president who works with the treasurer.
8. Media and Publicity Committee : In charge of formatting and publishing updated brochures and promoting the chapter using various media contacts to inform the general public of and including; quarterly general meetings, field trips, special workshops, restoration projects and any other miscellaneous projects that would promote and benefit the chapter. Is responsible for all media coverage, including quarterly chapter meetings, chapter field trips and advertising in local media such as; radio, television, and newspapers as well as national and state genealogy societies and organizations. Shall maintain a current media contact list and work with local media for press coverage of all chapters meetings and events. Meets with the Program Chair for regular updates.
9. Hospitality Committee - Assigned by the Vice President (Program Chair) Arrives early to meet, greet and sign in all members and guests attending all chapter functions. Is responsible for refreshments and all other comforts concerning chapter meetings. May work with the program chair to promote meetings with posters, flyers, signs and any other helps needed.
Article IX - Purchasing
Only the President and/or the Treasurer may make purchases from the chapter business account which include writing checks and using account debit card for payments. They shall have the authorization of a chapter business debit card and its use. Purchases under $150.00 may be made with no approval of the Executive Committee. However, any purchase over $150.00 must be voted on and approved by the entire Executive Committee.
Only the President and/or Treasurer may access PayPal account from the chapter website in order to transfer money from PayPal to Chapter account. No other member of the Executive Committee or any Chapter member will know or have available to them confidential passwords, pins and/or email account information to access chapter bank account and/or PayPal.
The Executive Committee will decide or assign to make the purchase of materials for addition to the chapter website, a local library or any other local repository. Any member may submit written suggestions providing author, title, publisher, and date to the Executive Committee to be considered for purchase. All documents and materials donated to libraries and any repositories, once no longer being loaned or removed from shelves must be returned to the chapter. When donations are made, this information will be given to recipients.
Article X - Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any meeting of the general membership by a two-thirds vote of those present. These amendments must first be brought to the Executive Committee in writing or by appointment to attend the Executive Board Committee meeting. Then changes shall be made during a regular meeting of the Chapter for a reading before being voted on and seconded. Adopted amendments to these Bylaws and changes in the Standing Rules shall be published in the next issue of the Jefferson County Lines newsletter.
Article XI - Parliamentary Authority
The parliamentary authority for this Chapter shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Submitted January 1987 by: Sandy Day, Martha Sisler, and Jackie Williamson.
Revised November 1994 to add Program Committee Chair to Vice President by: Sandy Day, Bridget Osz - voted favorably at November meeting
Revised January 2002 to Conform to State OGS Bylaws by: Flora VerStraten, Cynthia Stock, Sandy Day, and Opal Conn.
Revised January 2004 by: Flora VerStraten, Gail Komar, Judie Thornton, Sandy Day
Revised and updated October 2005 by the Executive Committee members including: Flora L. VerStraten, Jennifer Millhorn, Judie Thornton, and Gail Komar, executive committee members with a vote of the general chapter membership present at the business meeting.
Revised and updated May 4, 2006 by the Executive Committee members including: Flora L. VerStraten, President; Tammy Hosenfeld, Vice President; Judie Thornton, Treasurer; and Sue Evans, Recording Secretary.
Revised and updated February 24, 2007 by the Executive Committee members including: Flora L. VerStraten; president, Tammy Hosenfeld; vice president, Sue Evans; recording secretary, Patricia O’Dell; treasurer, voted on during a special executive board meeting.
Revised and updated October 6, 2007 by the Executive Committee members including: Flora L. VerStraten; president, Tammy Hosenfeld; Vice President, Sue Evans; Recording Secretary, and Patricia O’Dell; treasurer. Voting took place during the September Executive Committee Meeting and again during the Sept. 11 chapter meeting and included the following changes: From monthly chapter meetings to Quarterly Chapter meetings, Officers hold offices only for a one-year term, instead of two and can hold executive officers until voted and replaced by a majority of the membership. Also inserted language concerning the website, copyrights, members and disciplinary action, evoking memberships, etc.
Revised and updated Jan 6, 2013 by The Executive Committee; Flora L. VerStraten Merrin, Judy Schmidt and Naomi Furbee.
1. (A VI) Dues and Fees
1. Individual membership annual fee shall be $15.00.This fee is subject to change by a vote of the executive committee members only.
2. Joint membership annual fee shall be 17.00.This fee is subject to change by vote of the executive committee members only.
3. First Families membership fee shall be $15.00. A one time application fee covers as many ancestors as the applicant proves. A five generation chart, showing the name(s) of every ancestor along with a completed application form is required. This fee is subject to change by a vote of the executive committee members only. A first family applicant must prove their ancestor(s) a resident in Jefferson county, Ohio no later than December 31, 1820. The deadline for this society are on February first of each year. Certificates and pins will be given or mailed to each member of this society.
4. Pioneer Families membership fee shall be $15.00. This fee is subject to change by a vote of the executive committee members only. A pioneer family applicant must prove residence of their ancestor(s) in Jefferson County, Ohio by December 31, 1850. Refer to same application standards as above mentioned for First Families.
2. (A VII) Meetings of General Membership
3. Meetings of the chapter will be held on the second Tuesday quarterly unless otherwise posted in a location announced in the Newsletter. Meetings cancelled due to inclement weather will be announced on local television stations and radio stations.
3. (A VIII) Committees
4. Revised- The newsletter Editor will be responsible for compiling, editing, labeling, keeping updated list of membership and mailing newsletter in a timely manner, representing one newsletter per season. $25.00 per issue reimbursement costs.
5. First and Pioneer families: The applications for first and pioneer families be kept in the possession of the chairperson over the committee. The chair person will be responsible for the safety and care of these applications and documents on file. These files are considered Chapter Property and are not to be copied or shared in any form without the expressed vote of the Executive Committee.The chairperson is responsible to keep a current list of all First and Pioneer families and Civil War Families and to make sure complete documentation is included with all applications. Applications signed by applicant, chairperson, and president to make the application valid. any signatures are missing the document is not valid. If one time membership fee has not been received, the document is not valid.
4. (A X) Amendments
Compiled by: Flora L Barrett VerStraten, Jan 8, 2002
Newsletter amendments made: Jan 2003
Amendments made: April 10, 2007
Amendments made: Oct. 6, 2007
Amendments made: March 27, 2009
Amendments made: Jan 6, 2013
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