Townships History

Michael Merino Boy Scout Effort Honored

Michael, member of Boy Scout Troop 3 in Steubenville, organized an extensive cleanup at the Oliver’s Church Cemetery on County Road 18 in Wells Twp. as his recent Eagle Scout Project. He is the son of Jesse and Patricia Merino. Michael writes the following words as thoughts on his job upon the completion of the cemetery cleanup. "Pain, enlightenment, and exhaustion; these are the three words that most come to mind when I think about this project! It seemed simple enough. All I had to do was to clear all the overgrowth in one half of a small cemetery! It did not take long at all to discover just how hard a task I had chosen to undertake! It showed me how easily things can be forgotten or dismissed and why this should not be the case. People must remember their heritage, remember those who came and died for them. I hope what I have done will be of help to someone who is searching for their ancestors." He concludes, "My advice for anyone who would like to undertake a task like this one is to go for it! It may be difficult, but it is well worth it!"