Cross Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio
April 11, 1839 to Sept. 1, 1880

Copied from the original records - as near as possible - as to spelling and transcribing, by Helen Brodine
Steubenville, Ohio. Transcribed and retyped by Kitty Kutchmark January of 2008.


A house for worship having been erected in Cross Creek Township, Jefferson Co., Ohio, in the summer of 1837. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Steubenville in the spring answering a petition, was presented for the organizing there of a Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Charles C. Beatty was appointed a committee to visit them and organize a church if the way be open.

After preparatory steps the following persons were received on certificate viz: From Two Ridge: GEO. DAY, SARAH DAY, ANDREW ANDERSON, ROBERT BURK, POLLY BURK, JANE STONE, JANE HOLMES, JOHN ROBERTSON, CATHARINE ROBERTSON, JOHN STONE, NANCY STONE, JAMES McCOY, JOSEPH McCOY, FANNY McCOY, JAMES ROBERTSON. From Steubenville - ALLEN HANLON, SUSAN HANLON, JANE HANLON, ELIZABETH YOUNG, JAMES STARK, ELIZABETH STARK, JANE AKEY. From Richmond: ALEXANDER MORRISON, CATHARINE MORRISON. From Beech Spring: MARY JOHNSON, who entered in to a Covenant to associate and walk together in a church relation agreeable to the acknowledged doctrines and order of the Presbyterian Church. The following persons were duly chosen Ruling Elders, viz: GEO. DAY, ALEN HANLON, JAMES STARK, ALEXANDER MORRISON AND JAMES McCOY and installed on Sabbath of July 1st, 1838, the last four being also ordained.
Charles C. Beatty, Com.

Thursday, April 11th, 1839
Session met and began with prayer, members all present. The following persons were admitted to the full communion of this church viz: On certificate - THOMAS PHILIPS from Two Ridge, REBECCA PHILIPS from Two Ridge, MARTHA WILLIAMS from 1st Steubenville and on examination - JOHN DAY. Adjourned to meet on Saturday afternoon after service, concluded with prayer.

Saturday afternoon, April 13th, 1839
Session met agreeably to adjournment and began with prayer. Members all present. The following persons were admitted to the full communion of this church viz: On certificate - HANNAH CUNNINGHAM - from 1st Steubenville. On examination - JANE McCOY. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

August 24th, 1839
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. The following persons were admitted to the full communion of this church: On examination - ALEXANDER McFARLAND, SAMUEL DINSMORE, REBECCA McFARLAND, FRANCES DINSMORE, MARIA MORE. Had a recess till after sermon. After sermon, James McCoy was appointed to attend Presbytery. The following persons were examined and admitted to the full communion of this church viz: MARY FELL, MARY DAY, REBECCA DAY, SUSAN YEARINGTON, WILLIAM AIKEY. James Stark was appointed to attending the meeting of Synod to be held in Washington in Oct.
Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

In Presbytery at Richmond, examined and approved. April 1840.
James McKean, Moderator

April 24th, 1840
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. The following persons were examined and received to the full communion of the church. On examination - MISS ELLEN THOMPSON, MISS ANNE AIKEY, AND MISS SARAK AIKEY. Adjourned to meet tomorrow after public worship. Concluded with prayer.

August 21st, 1840
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present. Alex Morrison requested and obtained leave of absence from this meeting. The following persons were examined and received on examination to the full communion of the church. On examination - SARAH McCONNEL, EPHRAIN JOHNSTON, ELIZABETH JOHNSTON, ANN JOHNSTON. Adjourned to meet tomorrow afternoon after public worship. Concluded with prayer.

August 22nd, 1840
Session met agreeable to adjournment and began with prayer. Members all present. ALARY (?) LISLE was examined and received to the full communion of the church. The subject of the adoption of the genera assembly collection of Hymns in place of the one now in use in this congregation was discussed by the session and it was agreed to recommend it to the congregation. GEO. DAY was appointed to attend the next Presbytery of Presbytery to be held at New Hagerstown. Adjourned concluded with prayer.

December 26th, 1840
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present except Mr. Morrison. The following persons were on examination received to the full communion of the church. On examination - MARY STARK, MARY THOMPSON. Adjourned to meet tomorrow afternoon after public worship.

Saturday afternoon Dec. 26th,1840
Session met agreeable to adjournment and was opened with prayer. Members present as above. JOSEPH McCONNEL was received on examination to full communion of the church. MRS MARY WILLEMIN (?) who had for some years been a member of the Presbyterian Church but in her recent removal from Indiana to the neighborhood did not bring her certificate of her membership was on examination received into membership in this church. The subject of the appointment of Deacons was considered and in accordance with the recommendation of the general assembly it was resolved to lay it before the congregation and to have such officers appointed as some as practicable. Adjourned Sine die (Sunday?). Concluded with prayer. In Presbytery at Annapolis April 7-1841 examined and approved therefore. JOHN KNOMOOR.

April 8th, 1841
Session met and was opened with prayer. Present: GEO. DAY, ALLEN HANLON, JAMES STARK and JAMES McCOY with the moderator. Absent, ALEX MORRISON. The following persons on examination were received into full communion of the church: ROWLAND HOLMES, RACHEL HOLMES, SARAH WERE, NANCY WERE, REBECCA PORTER. Adjourned to meet tomorrow afternoon after public worship. Concluded with prayer.

Friday, April 9th, 1841
Session met agreeable to adjournment and was opened with prayer. Members all present. The following persons were on examination received into full communion of this church -MARGARET ROBINSON, ELISABETH McCRE, CATHARINE STERN. Adjourned to meet tomorrow afternoon after public worship. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday, April 10th, 1841
Session met according to adjournment and began with prayer. Members all present. ALEX MORRISON obtained leave of absence from this meeting. The following persons were examined and received into full communion of this church - MARTHA BEACH, MARY McCOY, MR. ROBT. BIRK, who for some time past had stood back from the Lord’s Supper; and whom session was about to call to an account for his course voluntarily came forward and having made certain statements and expressed regret and sorrow for his conduct in this respect. Session unanimously agreed to permit him to return to his former privileges. Adjourned Sire die (?) Concluded with prayer.

Saturday August 21st, 1841
Session was opened with prayer. Members all present but ALEX MORRISON. There being no special business session after opening sometime in conversation relative to the interest of religion and the church adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Sunday December 12th, 1841
Session met members all present. Session having knowledge of some things in the church character of MR. ROBT. BIRK, a member of this church derogatory to him as a professor and a Christian appointed a committee consisting of MR. MORRISON and J. McCOY to call on him and confer with him in relation to the matter and to report at the next meeting. Adjourned to meet on the 24th of December.

Friday December 24th 1841
Session met and was opened with prayer. All members present. The committee appointed to meet with MR. ROBT. BIRK reported that after free conversation with him they found him unwilling to acknowledge the sinfulness or even the impropriety of his conduct. There up it was received that he be prohibited from communion at the Lords Table for the present and until his case can be properly investigated. MR. JAMES McCOY appointed to attend the next meeting of Presbytery to be held at Bloomfield on the 28th of December. Adjourned to meet tomorrow afternoon after public worship. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday afternoon December 25th, 1841
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present. MISS SARAH DINSMORE was examined and received to the communion of the church. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

February 16th, 1842
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present. GOERGE DAY was appointed clerk. The Moderator stated that it was well known to all members of session that a resolution had been passed at one of their meetings in December excluding MR. ROBT. BURK from the privileges of the church on the grounds of certain things alleged against him which was unfavorable to his church as a Christian, until his conduct could be properly investigated and that it was necessary that the case should be attended to. Thereupon session resolved to enter upon the investigation of the matter and ordered the following citation and charges be put into his hands viz: MR. ROBT. BURK you are hereby cited to appear before the session of the Cross Creek Church on the 28th day of Feb. at 9 ½ O.A.M. to answer the following charges:

  • 1st common fane charges you with improper and unchristian language and conduct on different occasions, particularly in your own house about the latter part of Sept. when the Pastor and a member of session called to pay you a pastoral visit and also on the evening of the 14th Dec. when a committee of session visited you at your house.
  • 2nd charges you are charged with violating the obligation you assumed before the session on the 10th of last April namely: that you would entirely drop the subject of your fane difficulties in relation to certain members of this church and that you would not introduce it again when visited by the pastor or members of session. Witnesses to these charges are ALEX HANLIN, ALEX MORRISON, JAMES McCoy, JOHN McCOY, JOHN STERN, JOSEPH H. CHAMBERS. Session than adjourned to meet on the 28th of February at 9 ½ O.A.M. Concluded with prayer.

February 28th, ½ past 9 O.A.M.

Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present. The moderator stated the object of the meet vis: The investigation of the case of MR. BURK, who had been cited to appear before us. He being present was ask if he was prepared to proceed to trial. Answered that that depended on circumstances. He then inquired who was the accuser of what had lain in the charges against him. The moderator answered that no one in particular was his accuser, that it was common fame. This answer did not satisfy him. The question was asked again and again in different forms. After an hour or more spent in endeavoring to satisfy his mine on this and on another point as to whether we were actually by motives for the glory of God and the good of his soul in taking up his case. The moderator again put the question whether he was prepared to proceed to trial. He answered deliberately that he would not be tried by session and they might do as they please in his case. The moderator than told him that is his privilege to choose another moderator if he had any objections to the present one. He refused to choose one and said he never intended to stand trial and that session might do as they pleased and withdrew from the house. Where upon session ordered another citation accompanied with the notice recommended in Chap. 5, Sec. 1 of the book Disciple requiring him to appear before them on the 8th day of March at 1 ½ O.A.M. It was on motion resolved that the REV. C. BEATY D.D. by invited to sit as the moderator of session at its next meeting. Adjourned to meet on the 8th day of March at 9 ½ O.A.M. Concluded with prayer.

March 8th, 1842
Session met according to adjournment and was opened with prayer. Members all present. The business was taken up viz: The trial of MR. ROBT. BURK and he not being present MR. JAMES STARK was appointed to manage the case in his behalf and MR. GEORGE DAY to attend to the prosecution. After the witnesses had been sworn the moderator inquired if the second citation had been duly served upon MR. BURK. He was answered in the affirmative whereupon the prosecution proceeded to examine the witnesses and to take the testimony (see testimony on file) after the examination of the witnesses was concluded the prosecutor and person managing the case for the def. were called on to comment upon the test. Both declined saying anything and withdrew from the session. Whereupon the remaining members of session took up the charges to decide upon them in view of the testimony. The 1st charge was taken up and session unanimously decided that it was fully sustained of the church. On examination MR. JACOB BOWERS on certificate of demission was granted to MRS. JOHN SHANE, MRS. ELIZABETH SHANE. A certificate of demission was granted to MRS. MARY BURK. Adjourned Sine die.

Monroesville April 6th, 1843
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present. The following persons were examined and received to the full communion of this church - CASANDRIA SHANE, SARAH STONE, MARTHS McCOY, ELIZA STARK, SARAH WILLIAMAN, JOHN SWAN. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

April 7th, 1843
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present except A. MORRISON. The following persons were on examination admitted to the full communion of the church - D. STUART McCOY, MRS. ROBECCA McCOY, ELIZABETH WINTERS, CATHERINE FELL, RICHARD YOUNG. Session had a recess until after public worship this evening. After recess session met. Members all present except A. MORRISON. The following persons were examined and received into full communion of the church - MARGARET McCOY, ROBERT STARK, WILLIAM STARK. MRS. CATHERINE IRWIN was received on certificate. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

September 9th, 1843
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present except MR. MORRISON. The following persons were examined and received to the full communion of this church - MR. WILLIAM MORE, MRS. JANE MORE, ELIZA WINTERS, WALTER DINSMORE, MARY FELL. Admitted on certificate - MR. WILLIAM ROBINSON, MRS. JANE ROBINSON, JESSE MITCHELL. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

January 13th, 1843
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. MR. WM. STONE presented a certificate of dismission from the church of Two Ridges and was thereupon received as a member of this church. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

In Presbytery at Two Ridges, April 3rd, 1844
Examined and approved - JOHN DUNLAP, Moderator.

Saturday August 24th, 1844
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present but A. MORRISON. WILLIAM PHILIPS was on examination received to the full communion of this church. MRS. TERSEY BRICK presented a certificate of admission from the Presbyterian Church in Wellsburg, Va. and was thereupon received as a member of this church. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday April 24th, 1844
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. MRS. REBECCA ROSS presented a certificate of dismission from the church of Two Ridges and was thereupon received as a member of this church. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

November 25th, 1844
Session met and began with prayer. Present - MR. G. DAY, A. HANLON, J. STARK and the moderator. The business for which session was convened viz: The case of MRS. YEARINGTON, was taken into consideration. Public rumor having for sometime charged MRS. YEARINGTON, a member of this church with several crimes and session having waited on her by a committee to inquire into the facts of the matter but she wholly denying the things thus removed abroad concerning her. It was thought advisable to take up the case and investigate it in due form. Thereupon the following citation was ordered MR. S. YEARINGTON you are hereby cited to appear before session of the Cross Creek church on Monday the 9th day of Dec. at 10 o’clock A.M. to answer the following offenses. 1st -With uttering falsehoods on several occasions and with reference to several matters particularly in reference to several books which your daughter is said to have received from MS. McCOY and in reference to a dress pattern which your daughter had in her possession. 2nd for countenency your daughter Lucinda for certain frauds committed by her.

Witnesses to prove the above charges HANRY PERMAR, JOHN GRIMES, MR. SIMPSON, JOSEPH McCoy, MRS. CATHERINE DINSMORE, NANCY WIER, POLLY WILLIMAN, SARAH WILLIMAN. On Saturday, the 7th day of Dec. at 11 o’clock A.M. you may if you see proper meet a committee of session at the house of MR. CHAMBERS to take the testimony of the residence in town. By order of session JOSEPH H. CHAMBERS, mod., MR JAMES STARK and the moderator were appointed a committee to take the testimony of the witnesses residing in Steubenville, A. HANLON was appointed to carry the above citation and charges to the accuses and JAMES McCoy to notify the witnesses in the case. Adjourned to meet on the 9th day of Dec. at 11 o’clock A.M. Concluded with prayer.

December 9th, 1844
Session met agreeable to adjournment and began with prayer. Present MR. GEORGE DAY, A. HANLON, J. STARK, J. McCOY with the moderator. Absent MR. MORRISON. The business of the meeting viz: The case of MRS. YEARINGTON was taken up. MRS. YEARINGTON being present was asked whether she had received a copy of the charges alleged against her and whether she was ready to proceed to trial, both of which inquiries she answered in the affirmative. MR. STARK was by the accused, chosen to manage her case before session. The charges being read to the accused she was asked: do you plead guilty? Answer - Not Guilty. The oath prescribed by the book of Disciples was then administered to the witnesses and session proceeded to take the testimony in the case. See testimony on file. The examination of the witnesses being concluded and the persons managing the case for the defendant declining to make any remarks upon the testimony. Session took up the several changes to decide upon them in view of the testimony. The 1st charge being read, it was unanimously agreed that it was fully sustained. The 2nd charge - being read it was decided that it was not sustained. In view of the fact that MRS. YEARINGTON has been found guilty of the sin of falsehood on several occasions and as the crime has been unprovoked and frequently repeated and as she still persists in the face of all the evidence against her to assert her innocence it was unanimously resolved that she be suspended from privileges of the church until she gives satisfactory evidence of repentance and that this decision be read from the pulpit on next Sabbath. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer. JOS. H. CHAMBERS, Mod.

Friday December 27th, 1844
Session met and began with prayer. Present - G. DAY, S. STRAK, A. HANLON, J. McCOY, with the moderator. Absent A. MORRISON. MRS. J. WINTERS and MRS. MARY KIRK presented certificates of dismission from the church of Two Ridges and were thereupon received as members of this church. After some conversation on the subject of a parsonage house, it was decided to lay it before the congregation. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.
Examined and approved in Presbytery at Big Spring. April 10th, 1845. W. T. ADAMS, moderator.

Saturday September 14th, 1845
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. MRS. ELIZA WARREN, MRS. GEO. DAY and MR. CALVIN DAY, members of the Two Ridges presented certificates of dismission and were thereupon received as members of this church. MRS. RACHEL ANN WILLIAMS was on examination received to the full communion of this church. Session had a recess until after public worship this evening. After worship their being no business session. Adjourned. Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

Thursday February 5th, 1846
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. MR. THOMAS WILLIAMS was on examination received into the full communion of this church. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday February 7th,1846
Session met and began with prayer. Members all present. MISS MARY AIKEY was on examination received into full communion of this church. MR. WILLIAM COOK presented a certificate of dismission from the church of Centre, Wash. Co., PA and was thereupon received as a member of this church. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer. In Presbytery at Richmond and examined and approved thus far. CHARLES C. BEATTY, moderator.

Saturday May 9th, 1846
Session met and began with prayer. Present G. DAY, A. MORRISON, J. STARK, A. HANLON, J. McCOY and the moderator. Session having heard a report prejudicial to the character of MRS. SISLE appointed MR. CHAMBERS and McCOY, a committee to converse with her on the subject of a report. The committee having attended to the duty assigned to them, reported that MRS. SISLE acknowledges her fault in suffering herself to be drawn into an angry dispute with her neighbor and that she expresses deep regret and sorrow for the same. Whereupon it was resolved that in view of the known provocation suffered by MRS. SISLE and her expressions of sorrow for her fault no further action be taken in her case. MR. WILLIAM McCOY was on examination received into full communion of the church. MRS. MARY P. CHAMBERS was received on certificate. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday January 2nd, 1847
Session met and began with prayer. Present A. MORRISON, A. HANLON, J. STARK, J. McCOY and the moderator. Session spent some time in conversation on the subject of the endowment of the Western Theological Seminary and it was resolved that for the present we will as there to fore, pay the interest of the amount assesses upon the congregation without attempting to raise the principle. After some further time spent in consideration of the law state of religion among us. Session adjourned. Concluded with prayer. This far examined and approved in Presbytery at Carrolton, April 14th, 1847. A. SWANEY, moderator.

Saturday May 22nd, 1847
Session met and began with prayer. Present - A. HANLON, A. MORRISON, J. STARK, J. McCOY and the moderator. Absent G. DAY. MR. JOHN GAULT and MARY, his wife, presented certificates of dismission from the church of Centre, and were thereupon received into the communion of this church. Certificates of dismission were also presented by MR. JOHN HANNA and MARY, his wife, from the church of Island Creek and they were therefore received in the communion of this church. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday September 11th, 1847
Session met and began with prayer. Present GEO. DAY, JAMES STARK, JAMES McCOY and moderator. Absent A. MORRISON and A. HANLON. The following persons on examination received to the full communion of the church - MISS SARAH HANLON, MISS NANCY HANLON. After some conversation on the subject of proposing to the congregation, the election of several additional elders. Session adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday December 18th, 1847
Session met and began with prayer. Present - JAMES STARK, A. HANLON, JAMES McCOY and the moderator. Absent G. DAY and A. MORRISON. A certificate of dismissing was presented by MR. JAMES WAGGONER from the church at Richmond and he was therefore received the communion of this church. It was on motion resolved to list our first meeting for Catechetical exercises at MR. A. HANLON/Sin the month of January. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Tuesday evening March 21st, 1848
Session met and began with prayer. Present - JAMES STARK, A. HANLON, JAMES McCOY and the moderator. Absent - G. DAY. The following persons were received on examination to the full communion of the church viz: MR. PETER AIKEY, MR. WILLIAM HANLON, MISS CATHERINE PORTER, MISS MARY ANN CHAPLIN. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer.

Friday March 24, 1848
The session met and began with prayer. Present - MR. A HANLON, J. STARK, J. McCOY and the moderator. Absent - G. DAY. The following persons were on examination received to the full communion of the church - MRS. MARGARET AIKEY, MISS MARGARET AIKEY, MRS. ELIZABETH WINTERS, MISS CATHERINE WINTERS, MR. JOHN AIKEY, MISS MARY WINTERS, MR. JOHN STARK, MR. WILLIAM DINSMORE. Session decided to dispense with the use of tokens for the present. Adjourned till tomorrow after public service. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday March 25th, 1848
Session met and began with prayer. Present - MR. STARK, A. HANLON, JAMES McCOY, and the moderator. MR. DAVID STONE was on examination received to the full communion of the church. MR. JAMES McCOY was appointed to attend the next meeting of Presbytery. Adjourned. Concluded with prayer. In Presbytery at Steubenville, April 13, 1848 this far examined and approved. JOHN M. LOWNE(?) moderator.

Saturday September 2nd, 1848
Session met and began with prayer. Present - MR. STARK, A. HANLON, JAMES McCOY and the moderator. Absent - MR. G. DAY. MRS. MARIA WELDAY presented certificate of dismission from the Presbyterian church in Lowell, Iowa and was there upon admitted in the communion of this church. A certificate of dismission was granted to MR. JAMES WAGGONER. After some conversation upon the state of the congregation MRS. CHAMBERS and McCOY were appointed a committee to draft a series of resolutions bearing upon the general interest of this church. To be presented at the congregational meeting to be held on Monday next. It was agreed to take up a collection on Monday in behalf of the cause of Evangelization in France. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

Saturday January 6th, 1849
Session met and began with prayer. Present - A. HANLON, J. STARK, J McCOY and the moderator. Absent - GEO. DAY. MRS. ROBERT WILLEMAN was on examination received to the full communion of the church. After a short session spent in conversation upon subject relating to the interest of the congregation. Session adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer. Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery at Island Creek Apr. 11, 1849. W.P. BREED

Saturday May 5th, 1849
The session met and began with prayer. Present - A. HANLON, J. STARK, J McCOY and the moderator. MRS. ELIZABETH PORTER was on examination received into full communion of the church. MR. GEO. DAY, the senior member of this session departed this life in the hope of the gospel on the 2nd day of April 1849, aged 71 years. In view of the deceased in our number the session agreed to recommend to the congregation the election on Monday next of two persons to the office of the eldership. After some conversation upon the question whether it would be expedient and proper for the session to nominate candidates for the office of the eldership. Session took a recess till tomorrow after public service. After recess. The session decided unanimously not to nominate candidates. Adjourned Sine die. Adjourned to meet tomorrow afternoon after public worship. Concluded with prayer.

Friday February 8th, 1850
The session met agreeable to adjournment and began with prayer. Members present - MR STARK, HANLON, DINSMORE, McCOY, ROBERTSON and the moderator. The following persons were on examination received to the full communion of the church - MISS MARTHA JOHNSTON, MISS MARIA WILEMAN, MRS. MARGARET JANE ARTHURS, MISS ROSAN LOUIS, MR. THOMAS ARTHURS, MARY JANE STONE, MR. HORACE W. TURNER, JANE STONE. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer. In Presbytery at Big Spring April 10, 1850. Examined and approved. CHARLES C. BEATTY, moderator.
MR. JAMES STARK, the senior member of this session departed this life in the hope of th4e gospel, A.D. 1851.


Wednesday February 9, 1853
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members present - REV. WM. YOUND, MR. HANLON. Absent - MR. DINSMORE. Certificates of church membership and dismission were granted to the following persons viz: WM. HANLON, and MARY, HIS WIFE, to join the church at Kene. To CALVIN DAY to join the 1st church Steubenville, to MR. HORACE TURNER who had been near three years absent from the congregation, a certificate was granted stating his membership and standing up to the time he left the congregation. Adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer. Examined and approved in Presbyterian at Richmond April 13th, 1853. JOHN K. CUNNINGHAM, moderator. MR. ALLEN HANLON, the senior member of this session departed this life in the hope of the gospel on 30th day, December A.D., 1853.

August 15th, 1854
Session met. Members present - MR. McCOY, DINSMORE, ROBERTSON, and REV. C. C. BEATY, moderator was invited to attend as moderator and was opened with prayer by the moderator. MRS. SARAH E. DINSMORE presented a certificate of dismissing from the church of Island Creek and she was there upon admitted to the communion of this church. Session adjourned Sine die. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk of session. Certificates of dismissions was granted to JOHN and CATHERINE ROBERTSON to join some church in western part of the state. JAMES ROBERTSON CLERK.

November A.D. 1856
The session met and was opened with prayer by the moderator REV. DAVID R. CAMPBELL. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, and JAMES ROBERTSON. MRS MARY SALTSMAN presented a certificate of dismission from the church of Island Creek and was therefore received as a member of this church. Session adjourned Sine die. Concluded with prayer.

March 28th 1857
Session opened with prayers. Present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, REV. D.R. CAMPBELL, moderator. The following persons presented themselves before session and on examination were received into the communion of the church - HARRIET DANTE (?), ELISABETH STONE, MARY McCOY, ELIZABETH McCOY, NANCY STARK, DAVID CHAFFANT, NATHANIEL PORTER, GEMINE DINSMORE. Session then took a recess until tomorrow.

March 29th, 1857
Session convened and the following persons appeared were examined and received - REASON B. JOHNSTON, ELISABETH ELLOT, EMILY DINSMORE, ALBO NORTON HANNAH, and AGNES, his wife were received on certificate. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk. This was examined and approved in Presbytery at Oak Ridge, April 15th, 1857, R. MERRILL, mediator.

March 12th, 1858
Session met and opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES ROBERTSON. The following persons presented themselves before session and on examination was received into the church - NEWTON MORRISON, ELISABETH CHAFFANT, NANCY EKEY,ELISABETH THOMPSON, MARY W. FOSTER, SARAH REBECCA MICKEY, MARGARET E.KEY, SARAH McCOY, ELIZA SURLS, GEORGE McCOY GEORGE BEATY, JOSEPH EDWIN PARRISH, also BENJIMAN MICKEY, ELIZABETH MICKEY, MARY ELLEN MICKEY, THOMAS H. MICKEY RECEIVED ON CERTIFICATE. Closed with prayer on the 13th day of March, A.D., 1858. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk of sessions. Thus far examined and approved in Jersy (?) at New Hagerstown, April 14, 1858. CHARLES C. BEATTY, moderator.

March 18th, A.D., 1859
Session met and opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE. MR. WILLIAM DINSMORE and SARAH ELIZA, his wife, were received on certificate. Session took a recess till tomorrow.

March 19th, 1859
Session convened and closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk. Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery at Steubenville, April 13th, 1859. WM. EATON, moderator.

August 20th, A.D., 1859
The session met. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES ROBERTSON the moderator, REV. D. CAMPBELL, opened with prayer. MR. DANIEL STEWART McCOY and his wife REBECCA PRESENTED THEIR CERTIFICATES OF DISMISSION FROM THE CHURCH OF……………..? and were received. Also MRS. REECCA MORRISON presented her certificate of membership and good standing from the Protestant Episcopal Church and was received to membership of this church. MRS. USHER STARK was received on certificate from the church of Island Creek, also MRS. JANE TODD was received on certificate from Centre Unity Church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk.

March 8th, A.D., 1860
Session met. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, JAMES ROBERTSON and the moderator, REV. CAMPBELL and began with prayer. MR. REV. CAMPBELL and ROBERTSON was appointed a committee to visit MR. WILLIAM McCOY and talk to him in regard to his continued absence from church and report. Also the following resolutions was unanimously adopted:

  • 1st - Resolved that the practice of Promiscuous dancing is immoral in its tendencies calculated to draw away the minds from everything serious and consequently to corrupt the heart and should any member of this church be known to indulge in this practice or to take a part in it at any social gathering it will be viewed by this session as contrary to its principles of our holy religion and person thus offending shall subject himself to the discipline of the church.
  • 2nd - That the habitual use of spirituous liquors as a beverage is criminal and should in church members be known to indulge in this it will be regarded by this session as offensive and the person so offending must be dealt with accordingly. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

March 21st A.D., 1860
At the call of the moderator session met and began with prayer. REV. CAMPBELL reported in regard to his conferences with MR. WILLIAM McCOY whereupon the following action was had and ordered to be put upon record. It being known that MR. WILLILAM McCOY had not for some time past compling with the rules of the church in failing to join with his brethren in the celebration of the Lords supper. The session recently, through a committee, held an interview with him on the subject. MR. McCOY was free to acknowledge that he had not been discharging his duty in this respect acknowledging his regret and sorrow for such neglect, gave some explanations concerning his absence from the ordinary and now having removed partly out of the bounds of this church, he respectfully requests a certificate of dismission from this church to commit himself to the church at Two Ridges. There upon the session having heard his statements and acknowledgements agreed to grant him a certificate of dismission and would cordially recommend to the communion and fellowship of the church into the bounds of which he has now gone by order of sessions. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk.

March 31st A.D., 1860
Session met and began with prayer. Members present - REV. CAMPBELL, JAMES ROBERTSON, SAMUEL DINSMORE. The following session was had and ordered to be put on record viz: MR. DAVID STONE having been a member of this church and having been observed to absent himself from the table of the Lord on communion seasons. The session through a committee had an interview with him on the subject. MR. STONE was free to acknowledge that his reason for such absence were not sufficient to justify him in such neglect. Expressed his regret and sorrow for such neglect and for any harm that may have been to the cause of religion by his failures. It was mentioned to MR. STONE concerning certain expressions which should have used unfavorable to the church standing and moral character of certain church members. MR. STONE acknowledged having used some unguarded expressions in that line. Expressed regret and sorrow for having dropped any expressions upon the subject. And now expresses an earnest wish to be restored to the privileges of the church. As a member in full communion hoping to return again to his duty in this respect. Whereupon the session having heard his statement and acknowledgments agreed to restore him again to the privileges of the church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk. Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery at Steubenville, April 25th, 1860. R. BROWN moderator.

October 19th A.D. 1861
Session met and began with prayer. Members present - REV. CAMPBELL, SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, AND JAMES ROBERTSON. MR. JOHN DINSMORE and ELIZABETH DINSMORE was on examination received to the fall communion of this church. Concluded with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

February 13th A.D., 1861
Session met at the house of MR. THOMAS HOLMES. Members present - REV. CAMPBELL, JAMES McCOY. After sermon preaching by REV. CAMPBELL and prayer, MRS ELIZABETH COLLINS was on examination received to the full communion of this church. Concluded with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk. Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery at Waynesburg April 24th, 1861. J.S. MARGIN(?) moderator.

November 20th A.D., 1861
REV. DAVID R. CAMPBELL closed his labors with this congregation. (NOTE: THESE TWO ABOVE LINES ARE CROSSED OUT IN THE BOOK)

August A.D., 1862
Session met members present: JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE and JAMES ROBERTSON, REV. REED moderator. MR. JOSEPH BELTZ was on examination received to full communion of this church. Certificates of dismission was granted to DANIEL S. McCOY and REBECCA, his wife, to join the 2nd church of Steubenville. Not opened or closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

April A.D., 1864
Certificate of dismission was given to MRS. ELIZA CUNNINGHAM to connect herself with the Presbyterian church at Jackson, Wayne County, Ohio by order of session. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

March 24th A.D., 1865
Session met and opened with prayer. Members present SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAS. ROBERTSON, REV. WILLIAM R. KIRKWOOD moderator. MR. JAMES BARR and ELIZA, his wife, was received on certificate from the United Presbyterian church of Steubenville to the full communion of the church. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk of session. Not closed with prayer.

April 23rd A.D., 1865
Session met began with prayer. Present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES ROBERTSON and the moderator, REV. W.R. KIRKWOOD. MR. JOSEPH DINSMORE, MISS MARGARET BARE and BESSIE A. ROBERTSON was on examination received to the full communion of the church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

April 30th A.D. 1865
Session met and opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES ROBERTSON and the moderator. MRS. REBECCA Were was on examination, received to the full communion of the church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON, clerk.

February 27th, 1866
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members present - S. DINSMORE, JAS. McCOY and the pastor. Session was held open for several days. During the sittings MISS LAVINIA M. RICKEY, MISS EMMA STARK and MISS ISABELLA BAIR WERE on examination, received into the communion of the church. The grace of God in reviewing His people at this time is recorded with gratitude. Session closed with prayer Tuesday, March 6th, 1866. JAS. ROBERTSON clerk. Pr. W.R. KIRKWOOD. Approved in Presbytery at Bacon Ridge. April 25th, 1866. HENRY WOODS moderator.

May 13th, 1866
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAS. McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAS. ROBERTSON and the pastor. The meeting was held for the purpose of deliberation on the case of NEWTON MORRISON and wife. After consultation MR. McCOY and ROBERTSON were appointed a committee to visit MR. MORRISON and his wife and endeavor to bring them to the discharge of their duty in attending in the public means of grace. The committee having waited on these persons reported that in view of the state of MR. MORRISON’S mind (it being somewhat known) and the peculiarly trying situation in which MRS. M. was consequently placed, it was their opinion that the session should defer any further action for the present hoping that God in His grace would visit Mr. M’S mind to a healthy state and thereby vesture both himself and MRS. M. to the proper discharge of Christian duty. The report was adopted and Com. Discharged. Closed with prayer. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of session.

October 6th, 1866
Session met and was opened with prayer. Present - W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator, JAS McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE and JAS. ROBERTSON. On examination JAS. CHALFANT was received into communion and fellowship of church. Closed with prayer. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of sessions.

October 28th, 1866
Session met and was opened with prayer. Present W.R. KIRKWOOD, JAS. McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, and JAS. ROBERTSON. On examination DAVIDSON GAULT was received into fellowship and communion of the church. Closed with prayer. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of session.

November 12th, 1866
Session met and was opened with prayer. Present - MR. McCOY, DINSMORE, ROBERTSON, and the Pastor. A document containing charges prepared against MR. JHO. HANNA and signed by MRS. JNO. GAULT and ROBERT EKEY was laid before session. After full deliberation and in view of light obtained by session, it was decided that the best interest of this petition of the church of Christ required so far as we are able to judge action on these charges be indefinitely postponed and no prosecution be permitted until the session shall be able to see more clearly that our duty to God and His church require it. Closed with prayer. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of session.

November 19th, 1866
Session met and was opened with prayer. Present - MR. McCOY, DINSMORE, ROBERTSON and the pastor. MR. JOHN HANNA having applied for certificate for himself and wife, the question was raised - can we lawfully grant a certificate in this case to MR. H. in view of the charges formerly prepared against him. After consultation it was decided that as the session at the previous meeting had indefinitely postponed action on these charges and as it still held the opinion that prosecution at this juncture would operate injuriously on this branch of the church. It was in our power legally to grant certificates to both applicants. It was therefore decided that certificates of unity membership up to the time at which they ceased to worship with us be granted to MR. HANNA and his wife which was about two years since. Closed with prayer. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of sessions.

April 13th, 1867
Session met and was opened with prayer. MR. JOSEPH PORTER and his wife, MRS. CATHARINE PORTER were on examination received into fellowship and communion with the church. Closes with prayer. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of session.

***The following entry should have been made on a previous page, but for an oversight on the part of the pastor.
May, 1866
MR. JAS. McCOY and the pastor being summoned to the house of MRS DAVID STONE to convene with her brother lying once sick bed and as the event proved a bed of death. After full conversation with the sick man, MR. CHAPMAN and at his earnest request, received him into the fellowship of the church on earth in humble hope that the Lord had written his name in the book of life. He was baptized in the presence of those assembled than in a few days after departed this life expressing a confident hope of life beyond the grave. We felt more satisfied in taking this action from the fact that the pastor had visited and conversed with the sick man several times previous to taking the action above recorded. The action was reported to session and approved at the next meeting. W.R. KIRKWOOD moderator for clerk of sessions.

June A.D., 1867
At the June meeting of Presbytery held at Beech-Spring, REV. W.R. KIRKWOOD asked to have the pastoral relation between him and the church of Cross Creek dissolved, which was granted. His next appointment following for Sabbath day preaching closed his labors as pastor of this church. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk. Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery at Urichville April 29th, 1868. G.W. FISHER moderator. A unanimous call was made out by this congregation in union with the Pleasant Hill Congregation July, 1868 for the pastoral service of REV. R.H. VAN PELT. He to labor one half of his time in each congregation. With the expectation of accepting this call and being installed, MR. VAN PELT began regular work among this people with Sabbath August 2nd, 1868.

September 13th, 1868
Session convened at the church. Present all the members viz: MR. McCOY, DINSMORE, ROBERTSON with the moderator. Opened with prayer. MISS MARIA HANNA was received by certificate from Presbyterian church of Two Ridges to the communion of this church. A recess was taken.

September 27th, 1868
Session having again convened MR. JOSEPH C. McCOY was received by certificate from Presbyterian church of Two Ridges. MR. JAMES ROBERTSON was appointed commissioner to Presbytery and MR. JAMES McCOY alternate. Closed with prayer. R.H. VAN PELT moderator.

March 13th, 1869
Session convened upon the call of the moderator. Present all the members. Opened with prayer. THOMAS ARMSTRONG McCOY was received by letter from the Presbyterian church of Two Ridges to the membership of this church. Also upon examination MARGARET McFARLAN there being no other business to motion, adjourned R.M. VAN PELT moderator.

April 11th, 1869
MR. SAMUEL DINSMORE was appointed to attend the approaching meeting of Presbytery at Waynesburg on April 29th, 1869 as our commissioner. Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery at Waynesburg, April 29th, 1869. W.C. WYCOFF moderator.

July 3rd, 1869
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members present JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES ROBERTSON and the moderator, REV. R.H. VAN PELT. MRS. MYRA DINSMORE was received on certificate from the Presbyterian church at New Cumberland to the membership of this church. Closed with prayer. JAS. ROBERTSON session.

July 3rd A.D.,1869
Session met and was opened with prayer by the moderator REV. VAN PELT. Members present - JAS. McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE and JAMES ROBERTSON. MR. JOHN HANNA, MRS. MARGARET HANNA were received on certificate from the church at Two Ridges in the membership of this church. Also MR. JACOB DANTZ and MISS REBECCA JANE DUNN were received by certificate from Two Ridges to the membership of this church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

July 4th A.D., 1869
Session met and was opened with prayer by the moderator. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, JAS. ROBERTSON. MRS. CAROLINE E. POWELL WAS RECEIVED ON CERTIFICATE FROM THE Presbyterian church of Guilford, Medina County, Ohio to the membership of this church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session.

October 24th A.D., 1869
REV. VAN PELT closed his labors with this church as pastor and also with the church of Pleasant Hill with which we were connected. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk.

December 4th A.D., 1869
Session met. Members present - JAS. McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES ROBERTSON and began with prayer by REV. P.F. BOYD as moderator. MISS REBECCA GAULT was received on examination to the full communion of this church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session.

***NOTE- REV. J.F. BOYD was installed Pastor of Cross Creek and Pleasant Hill churches by committees of Presbytery on May 9th A.D., 1870. JAS. ROBERTSON.

June 18th A.D, 1870
Session met. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY and JAS. ROBERTSON. Opened with prayer by the moderator REV. J.F. BOYD. MISS MARY E. BOYD, MISS MARY ALICE BOYD and MR. SHIELDSCOE BOYD were received on certificate to the full communion of this church also at same time, MISS MONICE WELCH. Closed with prayer by the moderator. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session.

October 8th A.D., 1870
Session met. Members present - MR. SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, JAMES ROBERTSON. Opened with prayer by the moderator REV. J.F. BOYD. MR. WILLIAM DINSMORE was received on examination to the full communion of this church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session. Examined thus far and approved in Presbytery at Liverpool, December 28th, 1870. ROBERT HERRON moderator.

January 11th, 1871

January 13th, 1871
Received on examination - REBECCA LOUISA COLLINS. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session.

January 27th, 1871
Session met. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE and the moderator. Began with prayer and received on certificate NANCY LOUELLA PARRIS and VIOLETTA J. PARRISH from Methodist Episcopal church. Closed with prayer. JAS. ROBERTSON clerk of session.

January 29th, 1871
Session met. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE and REV. J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on certificate - ALEXANDER B. BELTZ from Methodist Episcopal church. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session.

May 7th A.D., 1871
Session met. Members present JAS. McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE and JAS. ROBERTSON and REV. J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on examination - JOHN BURIS and on certificate MARGARET BURIS, his wife. Closed with prayer. JAMES ROBERTSON clerk of session. Examined thus far in Presbytery at Harlem and approved August 23, 1871. T.A.E. SIMPSON moderator.

January 11rh, 1873
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAS. McCOY, JAS. ROBERTSON, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received to church membership - MRS. AMANDA McCOY. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator clerk.

June 13th & 14th, 1873
Session met each day after sermon in the grove (near where the church stood which was burnt down on 16th of March). Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, elders, and J.F. BOYD moderator. No person remaining and no business coming before sessions we did not organize.

June 15th, 1873
According to previous agreement by session the sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered in the grove. J.F. BOYD clerk pro-tem.

August 1st, 1873
MR. JAMES ROBERTSON for many years a ruling elder in this church and a great part of the time clerk of session having removed to Steubenville and having ask and obtained a certificate for himself, wife and daughter to unite with the Old Presbyterian church of Steubenville. It was resolved:

  1. That it is with reluctance that we part with him as an officer of this church.
  2. That we cheerfully bear testimony to his Christian character and deportment and conscientious discharge of duty while with us.
  3. That our best desires do follow him and his family for their comfort and usefulness in their new home and in the church with which they expect to henceforth be identified.
  4. That this action be placed on the records of session and a copy be given him. Adopted unanimously. J.E. BOYD moderator.

Examined and approved in Presbytery at Deersville August 27th, 1873. REV. BOYD moderator.

December 26th, 1873
Session met according to previous notice and was opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on certificate from 1st Presbyterian church of Steubenville - MRS. ELLEN HOLSEY. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator.

***NOTE December 14th 1873, the new house of worship, neat, comfortable and substantial brick building was solemnly dedicated to God. REV. A.M. REID, PH.D. preached the sermon. REV. C.C. BEATTY D.D. made the dedication prayer. The pastor performed the rite of dedication and read a short dedication poem. The whole cost $4,100.00. The former house was accidentally consumed by fire March 16th. In the meantime the congregation worshiped in STARKS and POWELS schoolhouse in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

April 3rd, 1874
Session met according to agreement and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. JOSEPH McCOY Sr. appeared before session and gave full satisfaction for the offence of intoxication from ardent sprits when session agreed to continue to grant him the full privileges of the church and that notice of this action be given from the pulpit prior to the next communion. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk.

May 3rd, 1874
Session met at the call of the moderator. Members all present towit: JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator and received to the communion of the church - MRS. ELIZABETH SHARP on certificate from the Evangelical Lutheran church in Lancaster, PA. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk.

***NOTE The above took place on Sabbath morning as she had been prevented from presenting herself or certificate on either of the days preceding and as it was near the hour for public worship to commence. The meeting was not opened or closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD. Examined and approved in Presbytery at Two Ridge, August 26th, 1874. THOS. A. McGURDY moderator.

December 12th, 1874
Session met according to previous notice and was opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE and JAMES McCOY, elders. J.T. BOYD moderator. Received on certificate from Presbyterian church of Smithfield, Ohio - MRS. MARTHA HOLMES (formerly TIMMERMAN). Adjourned. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk.

April 23rd, 1875
Session met according to previous notice and was opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received to church fellowship on certificate from Center church this Presbytery - MR. WM. L. DINSMORE and L.E. his wife. He was also certified as an elder in good standing in said church. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD.

August 27th, 1875
Session met according to previous notice and was opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received into the church fellowship on examination - MR. HUBERT JOHNSON, who had never been baptized to whom it was agreed that sacrament should be administered on the Sabbath immediately after sermon. Session then took a recess till after sermon in the evening. In the evening MR. McCOY, being unable to be present and not being a quorum no business was transacted.

August 28th, 1875
Session met according to previous notice. Members present towit: SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAMES McCOY, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received into the communion of the church on examination - MISS IDA DINSMORE. Adjourned. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk. Examined and approved in Presbytery at Ridge, September 21st, 1875. ISRALL PRIDE moderator.

November 12th, 1875
At a meeting of session the following was unanimously adopted in regard to MR. JAMES ROBERTSON who died very suddenly on the morning of the65th inst. from disease of the heart at his residence in Steubenville. Since it has pleased the great head of the church to remove very suddenly by death MR. JAMES ROBERTSON, an elder in the Old church of Steubenville, but who had been an elder in this church for nearly 24 years prior to his removal to Steubenville a little over 2 ½ years ago and whose remains were brought back and interred among our dead. Therefore we feel constrained to give expression to our feelings in view of the sad and solemn occasion.

  1. We deeply sympathize with his wife and two daughters on whom the shock has fallen the heaviest and we do earnestly pray that He who wept at the grave of his friend Lazarus may abundantly sustain and comfort them by His spirit and grace. We also sympathize with the other friends and the Old Church of Steubenville in their loss.
  2. We hear cheerful testimony to his clear calm sound judgment, his kindness of heart, his cheerful disposition, his strict conscientious performance of duty and his exemplary deportment in every respect as a citizen, neighbor and officer of the church.
  3. We bow submissively to His will who rules His people in love rejoicing in the blessed hope that our loss is His infinite gain and praying that we may enjoy a happy reunion at last in “The church of the first born in Heaven.”
  4. We feel called by his very sudden death to renewed diligence and zeal in our Masters work knowing neither the time nor place when we shall be called to rest.
  5. Resolved that this action be placed on our session, records and a copy be sent to the bereaved family and also to the session of the old church of Steubenville. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk.

December 18th, 1875
Session met according to previous notice and was opened with prayer. Members present - SAMUEL DINSMORE and JAMES McCOY, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received to the communion of the church on examination JOSEPH McCOY Jr. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk.

January 21st, 1876
Session met according to previous notice, was opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY and SAMUEL DINSMORE, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received to the church fellowship by examination - MR. JOHN McCOY, WM. STONE, ROBT. THOMPSON, JAMES DAILY and MORGAN SHARP. The two last named to be baptized. Adjourned. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk.

February 26th, 1876
Session met according to public announcement and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY AND SAMUEL DINSMORE, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on examination - MISS INA STARK and on certificate - MRS. MARY WINTERS from the U.P. Church, Tumbesons Run, Beaver Co., PA. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk.

July 1st, 1876
After the reading of the history of this church and congregation as far as prepared by the pastor, the session met according to previous notice. Members all present towit: - SAMUEL DINSMORE, JAS. McCOY, elders, J.F. BOYD moderator. No person appearing to seek admission into the church and being late in the afternoon, session adjourned.

August 13th, 1876
At two former meetings previously held the propriety and importance of having additional elders has been discussed when it was unanimously agreed that a meeting of the congregation for that purpose be held on the 7th day of September at 1 o’clock P.M. and that session recommend that four (4) additional elders be elected. J.F. BOYD clerk.

November 12th, 1876
The congregational meeting before named three persons were duly elected to the office of ruling elder viz: - MR. D.S. GAULT, ROBERT THOMPSON and B.R. DANCE. The last named having declined the other two after sermon and according to form of government, Chapter 12, Section 4 & 5 were ordained and set apart to that office. J.F. BOYD clerk. Examined and approved in Pres. At Wellsville, Ohio, December 20th, 1876. J.A. WONDEN (Morden?)

December 24th, 1876
Session met at the call of the moderator. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAMUEL DINSMORE, ROBT. THOMPSON, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. A certificate was presented from MRS. RACHEL PORTER from the M.E. Church. She not being able to be present, the moderator reported that he had conversed with her on the subject and was satisfied. On motion she was received. The people being assembled for public worship, the session was not opened nor closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk.

January 21st, 1877
Session met and was opened with prayer. Present - JAS. McCOY, SAM DINSMORE, ROBT THOMPSON, D.S. GAULT, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on examination - MRS. MARTHA DINSMORE. Session took recess till after sermon at night. It was also agreed to take recess from night to night till the meeting closed.

On the 22nd and 23rd no business was transacted, the session met each night after sermon and the members were all present.

January 24th, 1877
Session met. Members present - JAS. McCOY, ROBT. THOMPSON, AND D.S. GAULT, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on examination - MR. THOMAS DINSMORE. On the night of the 25th after sermon, session met but no business was transacted.

January 26th, 1877
After sermon session met and members all present - JAS. McCOY, SAM DINSMORE, ROBT THOMPSON and D.S. GAULT, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. No business coming before the session, the meeting was closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk.

February 11th, 1877
Session met after service at the call of the moderator. Members present - JAS. McCOY, ROBT THOMPSON and D.S. GAULT, elders and J.F. BOYD.

February 18th, 1877
Session met after sermon and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAS. McCOY, ROBT THOMPSON and SAM DINSMORE, elders. J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on certificate from the Episcopal church of St. James MR. BAXTER CUNNINGHAM. The session being well acquainted with him and the moderator having conversed with him on the subject and the certificate being better than generally received from other churches, he was most cordially received. J.F. BOYD clerk. Examined and approved in Presbytery at Bethlehem, August 29th, 1877.

January 18th, 1878
Session met according to previous notice and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY, SAM DINSMORE, D.S. GAULT, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received to the communion of the church on examination - MRS. DAILY. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk

June 14th, 1878
Session met and was opened with prayer. Members all present as above. Received on certificate - MRS. CORINA FOSTER from Forks of Wheeling and on examination - MISS AMY DINSMORE. Session then took recess till after sermon next day and then until after communion on next day Sabbath when members all present. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk. Examined and approved in Presbytery at Bethesda, August 29th, 1878. S.S DICKEY moderator.

October 26th, 1878
Session met at the call of the moderator at the house of MR. THOMAS B. HOLMES and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY, D.S. GAULT and ROBT THOMPSON, elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. MR. HOLMES who was in delicate health was on examination received into the communion of the church. And as he had not been baptized, he was after a short sermon by the pastor baptized which order had been agreed upon by the session and that the prayer closed services should be considered as closing the meeting of session. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk.

November 24th, 1878
The session met at the call of the moderator in the session room of the church, when WM. CHAMBERS GAULT was received into church fellowship on certificate from the 2nd Presbyterian of Washington, Pa. The members of session present as before - MR. SAML DINSMORE the only member being absent from both meetings by sickness. This meeting was not closed or opened by prayer as it was at the hour when public worship should commence. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk.

February 1st, 1879
Session met at the house of MR. JAMES DAILY and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAS. McCOY and ROBERT THOMPSON elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on examination - MRS. ELIZABETH DAILY who was unable from infirmities of age and severity of the winter to meet with the session at the church and who had about 30 years before, been a member of the Baptist church but had never got a certificate. Session then adjourned. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk pro-tem.

March 5th, 1879
The session met at the call of the moderator while the congregation were assembling for a congregational meeting. Members present - JAMES McCOY, D.S. GAULT and ROBERT THOMPSON and J.F. BOYD moderator. The following was unanimously adopted in regard to the decease of MR. SAMUEL DINSMORE for almost 40 years a member and almost 30 years an elder of the church who died March 1st in his 78th year.

  1. We would bear testimony to his exemplary character as a citizen and neighbor the great interest he manifested in the church and his unswerving fidelity as an office.
  2. We would express our sympathy with all relatives, especially his seven sons and three daughters and only surviving sister and pray that the God of all Grace may comfort and abundantly bless them and prepare them and us all for a happy reunion in heaven.
  3. We feel called upon to renewed diligence and zeal to make up his loss to the church so far as in our poser.
  4. It was also agreed that this action be placed on record in the session book and a copy be given to the family and that it be published in the county papers and in the Presbyterian Banner. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk pro-tem.

June 27th, 1879
Session met according to previous notice after sermon and was opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY, D.S. GAULT and ROBERT THOMPSON elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received on examination - MISS MARY THOMPSON to the communion of the church. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk. Examined thus far and approved in Presbytery at Yellow Creek, August 27th, 1879. Israel Price moderator.

January 4th, 1880
Session met at the call of the moderator. Members present - JAMES McCOY, D.S. GAULT and ROBERT THOMPSON elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. The meeting was opened with prayer. The moderator presented the request of his own youngest daughter to be received into the communion of the church and reported the conversation he had with her on the subject. As it was impossible for her to meet with the session on account of the state of the roads, the elders expressed themselves as well satisfied and unanimously agreed to receive her. Session closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD clerk pro-tem.

January 25th, 1880
Session met at the call of the moderator. Members present as above, opened with prayer. The moderator reported that he had recently been sent for a visit to MISS NANCY WEIR, residing in Steubenville over 10 years ago a member of this church and had been guilty of an offence for which she professed great repentance and desired to be restored. And then being sick and unable to meet with session wished me to bring the matter before them. The session unanimously agreed that she be restored to the full privileges of the church. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk pro-tem.

March 26th, 1889
Session met according to appointment and opened with prayer. Members present - JAMES McCOY AND ROBERT THOMPSON elders and J.F. BOYD moderator. Received to church membership on examination MR. J. HOWARD FLOYD and on certificate from the U.P. church of Knoxville MRS. MARGARETTA FLOYD his wife. Session took recess till next day after sermon. When D.S. GAULT, the other member of session was present also.

Again on motion session took recess till Monday, 29th, after sermon. Monday after sermon session met. Members all present when MR. ROBERT THOMPSON was appointed to attend the next meeting of Presbytery in Mechanicstown, April 27th and MR. D.S. GAULT alternate. MR. D.S. GAULT was also elected clerk of session and was directed to purchase a new session book. On motion adjourned. Closed with prayer. J.F. BOYD moderator and clerk pro-tem. Examined and approved in Presbytery at Madison so far as written, September 1st, 1880. W.N. McLane moderator.