Piney Fork Deed dated May 13, 1823

(Deeds abstracted exactly as they appear, including various surname spellings, even in the same document which is not unusual.)

Jefferson County, Ohio, Piney Fork Church 1823, 1.5 acres, volume M, pp. 447-8. William Gillaspie to Trustees of Associate congregation of Piney Fork. THIS INDENTURE made this thirteenth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty three between William Gillaspie of the county of Jefferson and State of Ohio of the one part, and James Bowls, James Moore and Robert Minteer, Trustees of the Associated congregation of Piney Fork… William Gillaspie of the sum of thirty five dollars to his in hand paid…forever and discharge the Trustees afore said, hath granted, bargained and sold aleined and confirmed by these present…for the use of the members comprising the said Associate congregation of Piney Fork, their heirs and assigns forever, all that lot or parcel of land lying and being in the said county…. Beginning at a post near a “Shilbark Hickory” west of South from the meetinghouse known by name of Piney Fork meeting house in the northwest quarter of section twenty-four in the eighth township and third range. Thence north seventy six degrees east sixteen perches to a post, thence north fourteen degrees west fifteen perches to a post, thence south seventy six degrees west sixteen perches to a post, thence south fourteen degrees east fifteen perches to the place of beginning, including the aforesaid meeting house, the tent and the spring containing one and a half acre of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging and all the estate, right, title interest property claim and demand of him the said William Gillaspie of in and to the same…to have and to hold the said lot or parcel of land conveyed and singular the premises and every part unto the said James Bowls, James Moore and Robert Minteer, trustees and their successors in office or their assigns by these present…shall remain free from all former and other gifts, grants, sales or encumbrances whatsoever… Signed, sealed and delivered (seal) by, James Sanderson, Samuel McNary (Justice of the Peace), William Gillaspie (his mark, seal), A. Sutherland, Recorder.

Piney Fork Deed- dated Sept 17th, 1823

Hugh Thompson Jas. Bowls Jas. Moore, Rt. Menteer, Trustees of the Associate Congregation of Piney Fork. THIS INDENTURE made this 17th day in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three between Hugh Thompson and Elizabeth his wife of the county of Jefferson… of the one part, and James Bowels, James Moore and Robert Menteer Trustees … that lot of land lying and being in the said county of Jefferson and is bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the northwest corner of the lot sold and “and” conveyed by William Gillaspie to said trustees for a meeting house lot lying in the northwest quarter of section twenty four in the eighth township and third range, thence south seventy six degrees west three perches to a post, thence south fourteen degrees east fifteen perches to a post, thence north seventy six degrees east three perches to a post, thence north fourteen degrees west “west” fifteen perches to the place of beginning, containing forty five perches of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all, the estate, right, title, interest and property claim and demand of them the said Hugh Thompson and Elizabeth his wife… composing the said congregation their heirs and assigns forever to the said trustees and their successors… Witnessed and delivered in presence of; Isaac Naylor, Sam’l McNary, Hugh Thompson (seal) Elizabeth Thompson (seal).

{Piney Fork Presbyterian Church, Piney Fork}

{Photo courtesy of James Baxter}

The photo above is  believed to be the Piney Fork Church, which sat on the top of the ridge (hill) from where the cemetery is located. In the early spring the sandstone foundation can still be seen. We know that the church was still standing in 1880 and services were being held there from county histories. Jim’s father’s family lived in Piney Fork from 1901 to 1911. His oldest uncle, William (Bill) Baxter began taking an interest in photography during WWI and soon after began traveling the countryside taking photos. This photo was found in an album of Bill’s along with other Piney Fork photos. The photo had faded so badly that it took a good computer program to enhance it so that it can be seen. We are hoping a professional photographer will be able to further enhance the photo and clean it so that we can include it in our final tombstone inscription compilation for Piney Fork Church/Cemetery.